Sight: Wide open warehouse stretching 30-40 metres tall. Machine lines, running overhead in crisscrossing tubes and conveyor belts. The production lines block off the warehouse into a maze of smaller spaces and corridors, occasionally offering glimpses of other areas through the rows of machinery.
Aysha/the player winds through the confusing maze of corridors, ascending through the whole factory to reach the main reactor at the top.
Colour: Steel metal contrasted with bright rainbow-coloured drinks. Splashes of rainbow products on the floor and walls - as Aysha smashes machinery the colour splashes become more dominant.
Sound: Repetitive sounds, whirring, clunking of machinery, gloopy liquid and fizz noises from drinks
Feel: confusing, claustrophobic, clinical
Smell/Taste: Sweet taste in the air, mixed with chemical/petrol fumes
Canning and bottling NutriWow! drinks
Offices filled with marketing materials
Tanks where NutriWow! drinks are brewed and mixed
Workers turned into Zombies